Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

欧宝娱乐app学院的令人满意的学业进步(SAP)政策清楚地定义了 minimum standards required for continued enrollment. The SAP policy guides students in staying on track to college degree completion. SAP standards, regulations, and 制定政策是为了确保学生在学业上取得进步 the expected grade point average and completion rate.
What is the required Grade Point Average? A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.00 is required.
What is the required Completion Rate? Students must successfully complete at least 67% of cumulative attempted credit hours. Credits transferred into Louisburg College count as both attempted and completed hours. Withdrawals, temporary grades, including 不完整的成绩和不及格的课程都算作尝试学时,但不算作完成课程 hours. Completion Rate = Completed Hours divided by Attempted Hours.
学生需要在四个全日制学期内完成他们的学位. Part-time students are excluded from this standard. Once students have completed their educational 获得60学分的学员自动成为毕业候选人.
学术地位是通过四个不同的地位点来确定的:良好的表现, Warning, Suspension, and Probation.
为了获得联邦第四章援助,州财政援助基金,和机构 此外,学生必须达到学业进展满意(SAP). At the 每学期结束时,学生的累积平均绩点(GPA)必须达到 least a 2.学生必须获得至少67%的课程完成率. Students 在注册学期结束时达到这些标准的学生将获得学术资格 status of Good Standing.
在入学学期开始时表现良好但未达到最低要求的学生 在注册学期结束时,SAP标准将获得学术地位 Warning and will be placed on an Academic Improvement Plan. The student can return 到学院继续上课,并获得所有联邦第四章援助,州 financial aid funds, and institutional aid.
以警告状态开始注册学期的学生,不符合 在注册学期结束时达到最低的SAP标准将获得学术地位 of Suspension. 处于休学状态的学生有以下选择:
  1. 被停学的学生可以上诉(必须提供可减轻情况的文件). 如果上诉被批准,该学生将被置于试用期和SAP监控中 one semester. The student must complete an Academic Improvement Plan. The student 是否被允许在学业上回到学院继续上课并获得 所有联邦第四章援助、州财政援助基金和机构援助.
  2. 被停学的学生对停学提出上诉,但上诉被拒绝,则符合资格 to return to the College academically. The student will be placed on an Academic Improvement Plan for one semester. 学生必须自掏腰包支付学杂费 aid of any type will not be awarded. Once the student achieves at least a 2.0 GPA 如果毕业率达到67%,就可以恢复所有的助学金.
  3. 被停学的学生对停学提出上诉,但上诉被驳回 学生负担不起自付费用将由LC注册主任推荐 office to take community college classes. The student may transfer the credits back to Louisburg College after one semester. The student will be placed on an Academic Improvement Plan. 学生必须自掏腰包支付学杂费 aid of any type will not be awarded. Once the student achieves at least a 2.0 GPA 如果毕业率达到67%,就可以恢复所有的助学金.
  4. 停学学生如不上诉,将被学院开除学籍 permanently.

SAP Appeal Process

休学意味着学生有机会提出上诉. Louisburg 大学通过提交一份申请,为学生提供继续入学的机会 SAP申诉以及说明不开会原因的支持文件 the required cumulative 2.0 GPA and 67% completion rate.
如果学生选择上诉并提供文件,学生必须提供 反映和支持申诉性质的文件. The appeal must be due to extenuating circumstances. Typically, extenuating circumstances are severe 对学生学业极为不利的生理或心理上的痛苦 performance.
可以减轻罪责的情况有:改变生活的医学诊断,例如 cancer; chronic illness; severe asthma; severe depression; death of a family member (母亲、父亲、监护人、姐妹、兄弟、儿子、女儿或配偶)或参与其中 在事故或车祸中给学生留下身体或心理上的创伤 trauma; severe illness; assault, and the like.
学生可以提交的可接受的文件包括:葬礼项目、 医生或医疗机构出具的证明学生诊断的证明,法庭 or legal documents, and the like.
学生可以通过提交SAP上诉声明和支持 documentation using the format below.
注意:在您的电子邮件主题行中放置以下内容:SAP申诉声明. SAP申诉声明不应超过250字,并遵循指导方针 listed below:
  • 提供相关的日期和事件,并提供不超过250字的解释.
  • 描述发生的情有可原的情况以及这些情况是如何产生影响的 your academic performance. Be as specific as possible and explain what happened and 为什么它影响了你保持满意进展的能力.
  • 解释如果上诉被批准会有什么不同,以及你将如何避免 academically dismissed.
  • 附上你可以提供的文件来支持你的上诉声明. All supporting documents will be reviewed.
  • NOTE: 不了解政策——比如退学或SAP政策或课程作业提交 – is NOT a valid reason for an appeal. Students are responsible for being aware of College policies, schedules, and coursework obligations.
附上所有证明可减罪情况的相关文件副本. Copies of documents must be clear and/or legible. NOTE: pictures of documents taken with 相机或手机无法打印,不被接受. Email SAP appeal and supporting documentation to

SAP Appeals Committee

学术申诉委员会由教务长、财务总监组成 他是教务处副主任,也是学术运作政策处主任 and Supports.